African Roots Podcast Episode #371 May 13th, 2016


Arkansas Black History Commission Announces Symposium

Press Release:   May 6, 2016

Little Rock – The Black History Commission of Arkansas and the Arkansas History Commission will be hosting a symposium on Saturday, June 4, at the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. The symposium’s theme, “African American Arts in Arkansas,” will feature speakers Delita Martin, Garbo Hearne, Garland Martin Taylor, and Arkansas History Commission staff member Jeff Lewellen.

Topics include “Talking Palette, Hidden Artist: The Art of Arkansas’s Henry Lewis Jackson,” “The Soul of Arkansas: A History of Arkansas’s African American Musicians,” and “In Search of Self: The Preservation of Culture through African American Art.” There will also be a presentation about African American authors from Arkansas.

The seminar is free to attend but registration is required. For more information about the event, please contact the event planners at or call 501-682-6900. This event is funded in part by a grant from the Arkansas Humanities Council.


Southern California Genealogy Society
Hosts African American Track an Annual Conference

SCGS 2016 Flyer

DafuskieSource of Image

Photos of Life in the 1950s on Dafuskie Island

Some beautiful images from Dafuski Island were shared this week in social media. The  island rests off the coast of the US mainland and were taken by Jeanne Mouttoussamy-Ashe, the well known photographer. They were used in her book on Dafuskie Island. The good news is that her amazing collection has been donated to the new Smithsonian museum scheduled to open in September, NMAAHC.

These black-and-white photographs show the residents of a long-isolated island off the east coast of the United States.

Inhabited by the descendants of slaves, Daufuskie Island is just three miles from the U.S. mainland, but the island has no bridge and had no electricity until the 1950s.

The pictures were taken by Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, the wife of the late tennis player Arthur Ashe, during visits to the island between 1977 and 1981.


Black Pro Gen Hangout this week!


Abolitionist Art Discussed on Bernice Bennett’s Show


Last night’s guest on Bernice Bennett’s show featured Maurie McInnis, author of Slaves for Sale. This featured a fascinating discussion on the impact of how artists presented slavery in American to parties in Europe. Their art impacted a world reaction to the horrors of American slavery. The discussion was a sobering one, and went into descriptions not only of the art, but also of the horrors and sadness of major sales of slaves.  The show airs every Thursday evening on Blog Talk Radio at 9 pm.


News from MAAGI! New Scholarships Announced!

Evolution Scholarship Award

For the third year in a row, Evolution Consulting is offering a scholarship for one participant to attend Track 1. To apply, Evolution Consulting Group says tell us why you feel you need to attend MAAGI Track 1. Tell us what you need and how it will benefit your research/brick wall. Please no more than 500 word submissions.  Apply by 12 midnight May 30th. Scholarship covers tuition only, value is $325.  Submit to: with 2016 Scholarship in the subject line.


AfriGeneas Offering 3 scholarships for participants in the Writing Track, (Track 4)
One full scholarship is available and two half scholarships are available.To apply submit a 500 word essay on how the writing track will assist you in your plans to turn your genealogical endeavors into a written project. Submit your essay to In the subject line, type Writing Track.

Applications are due on May 31st and winners will be announced on June 5th.

For more information on all scholarships, go to MAAGI SCHOLARHIPS PAGE.


Special opportunity for MAAGI Writing Track


MAAGI Coupon

Are you interested in participating in the Midwest African American Genealogy Institute in Ft. Wayne Indiana? Have you thought about taking the Writing Track? If so, then you have an opportunity to win a discount coupon that will be raffled off each week (via between May 20 – June 3r.  If you are interested you only have to send an email to with MAAGI in the subject line. In the message simply type MAAGI Track 4, and your name. A drawing will take place each Friday from May 20 – June 3rd. Winners will be announced on the Podcast, and will be contacted via email. Registration with be required by June 10th.

Well time to wind it down again for this week. So many things are going on I hope that you will have a chance to register for the wonderful events that are emerging. Thank you for taking time to tune in this week! Your time and attention is always appreciated! In the meantime, have a great week and remember to keep researching, keep documenting and keeps haring what you find!

African Roots Podcast Episode #370 May 6th, 2016


Welcome back to this week’s podcast! Hard to believe that May is already here, but indeed we are in the midst of spring, and the genealogy events are unfolding quickly! Hope everyone in Texas will enjoy the weekend celebrating Cinco de Mayo! And elsewhere, spring genealogy events have begun!


PAAC 2016


I want to start out with a shout-out to friends in Arkansas who are attending the PAAC conference El Dorado Arkansas. This is the group Preservation of African American Cemeteries. This is their 10th year and they are going strong. They are celebrating the Memorial in May! I have attended this event and I am so proud to see that they still offering this wonderful event annually. On top of that, they will have special presentations by members of Jr. PAAC. I met some of them 4 years ago in Ft. Smith. These children are growing up and have a strong interest in preservation. and are being nurtured by the elders! Congratulations to Tamela Tenpenny-Lewis the president and co-founder of this organization. The will have today and tomorrow some great presenters from the local area as well as from others from out of the local community. Glad to see that representatives from the Texas Cemetery Restoration LLC will be there as well as many others who are major contributors to history and preservation. So–if you are in Arkansas–you need to be in El Dorado this weekend. So a warm shout-out to them.


Speaking of cemeteries–there is a great story coming out of Illinois. The Booker T. Washington cemetery in Centerville Illinois was established in 1919, and was used until the 1970s. For the past several decades, it has fallen into a state of neglect. The good news, is that a locally based genealogical society is working with others to preserve the history of this burial ground. The St. Clair Genealogical Society is working with locals to share the documents with the public. The society is now in possession of the cemetery’s sexton records as well as some vital records from that community. Many families now based in nearby St. Louis are not aware that they have loved ones buried across the river on the Illinois side. It is a great story and one to follow.



Tomorrow I shall be presenting at the Family History Center of Washington DC for their annual conference. In addition, I will be excited to hear Reginald Washington and his keynote address about the Freedmen’s Bureau records and the significance of these records. We all know that Reginald is now retired from the National Archives, and he is now on the speaking circuit. He is the one who testified before Congress about the significance of these records and the need to preserve this critical post civil war history. He also spear-headed the microfilming initiative at the National Archives.Also presenting will be Margo Williams, and Charles Howard, past president of AAHGS. My two sessions are in the afternoon, and will cover Native American genealogy methods, as well as a discussion of the website, Mapping the Freedmen’s Bureau.

FHC Spanish Conference
Spanish Speaking Genealogy Conference at Family History Conference

On May 21, the the Primer Encuento de Historia Familiar will take place at the Family History Center in Washington DC. This is wonderful as there will be session for Spanish and Portuguese speaking people. Presentations begin at 11 and will last throughout the day! For the Spanish speaking family, this is wonderful news.

MAAGI Tiny Logo

Are you Registered for MAAGI?

Registrations are pouring in for MAAGI-The Teaching Institute! Midwest African American Genealogy Institute.
1) Fundamental Methods and Strategies
2) DNA  and Genealogy NEW!!
3) Intermediate Track – Pre & Post Slavery Era
4) Writing Track
Register today!


Speaking of DNA did you catch Benice Bennett’s show last night? Well Nicka Smith and Bernice Bennett had an amazing conversation about DNA. This was a wonderful conversation to hear and they went into detail about their own history with DNA testing. They talked about everything, from the emotions centered around DNA, as well as the different kinds of tests are out there. And they discussed the complexities of dealing with data, and how they put things on spread sheets, and looking at data. Triangulation methods were shared and it was basically a great conversation and the dialogue covered so many things. There was a very large listening audience as well, and one to hear if you have questions about DNA and don’t know what to ask.


Those in greater Washington DC may want to catch Char McCargo Bah on May 21st who will be presenting a session on Researching and Analyzing Pre-Civil War County DEEDS on May 21, 2016 Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Location: Alexandria Black History Museum – 902 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA  For more information, here is the museum’s phone number: 703-746-4356 RSVP BY: May 18, 2016


Since I am still prepping for tomorrow morning’s events, I hope to see some of you there tomorrow, and shall bring things down to a close this week. Thank you for tuning in this week and for sharing some of your upcoming events, know that you are appreciated.

And remember to keep researching, keep documenting, and keep sharing what you find.**********************************************************************************************************