African Roots Podcast Episode #160 April 27, 2012


Welcome back to the African Roots Podcast.
You can reach me at

It is almost the end of the April and events are coming up.

May 3rd, in Baltimore County Maryland
Free Genealogy Classes, 1st Thursday each month. Historical Society of Baltimore County. 10:00am – 2:00 pm. More information at

May 9-12th, Cincinnati Ohio, NGS Conference
If you attend, do show some support for Shelley Murphy at the NGS Conference. Ms. Murphy is the only African American presenter this year. Her workshop is called “Going North. Stopping in Ohio-Following the Davis and Marsh Families”

May 18-19th Ft. Smith Arkansas
PAAC Conference (Preservation of African American Cemeteries)

May 26th Ft. Smith, Arkansas
Dedication of Bass Reeves Statue, Bass Reeves Legacy Initiative is sponsoring this event that will bring dignitaries from across the country.

A Book Launching: Atlanta, Georgia.
Today in Atlanta, at the Martin Luther King Center for Non-Violent Social Change presents the book, “Desert Rose, the Life & Legacy of Coretta Scott King.” The book is also being launched on what would have been her 85th birthday. Join the family at 5:30 pm at the King Center today.

News from the The Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society (
New officers have been elected. Congratulations to Tamela Tenpennny-Lewis of Little Rock Arkansas, Gene Stephenson of Atlanta Georgia, & Sherri Camp of Topeka Kansas! The membership looks forward to your leadership and guidance.

Have you heard that Ancestry has acquired Well this should not be a cause for alarm, as the collections should remain intact, with little change to your subscription. Time will really tell what the acquisition means, but not major change for the consumer is expected.

How is the 1940 Census searching coming for everyone?
For me, it is the first time that my great grandparents are no longer there. Both of my grandmother’s parents were living in 1930, but by 1940 both were deceased. So as excited as I am to find the uncles and aunts and cousins, the matriarch and patriarch were now gone and the family had changed. It is kind of sad to see them gone and to see the shift in the family. It is a neat thing however to see people whom I knew as elderly people during my childhood, well there they were as young people in 1940. What an amazing thing to study. Perhaps because this was a year in which I knew so many people, I am so fascinated by studying those pages. Also it has been said that there was an “under-count” of the African American population in 1940. I had not heard that before, but it was recently mentioned to me. Have you had problems finding your own families? I have still yet to find my dad, but I don’t think that they were missed, I just think that I am looking in the wrong enumeration district. And–let’s not forget—many families were also in the midst of the years of the Great Migration. So there are many factors at hand, and 1940 was indeed a time of change.

Don’t forget to catch the archived edition of Bernice Bennett’s Blog Talk Radio show. Last night her guest was Wilehemena Kelly who talked about an amazing history of African Americans in the 18th and 19th and 20th centuries in New York! Her show airs each Thursday evening at 9 pm.

I have recently attended some great webinars and getting new ideas on how to obtain data. From how-to webinars to tips on using e-readers–there are wonderful things going on. We are on the edge of major changes taking place. Let’s try to make sure that we are learning the new methods and tips, but also sharing them with others in our own circles as well.

Well, thanks for listening again. Have a great week and keep researching, keep documenting and keep sharing what you find.

African Roots Podcast Episode #159 April 20, 2012


Welcome back to the African Roots Podcast!
You can reach me at

It has been a great week. I attended the National Archives Genealogy Fair this week and had a wonderful time. I hope to be posting some images soon on AfricanRootsTV.

By the way when you have a chance, take a good look at the Fold3 website where some military records are posted for free. Among records are World War II documents including the “Old Man’s Draft” where some might find them useful as a tool for navigating the 1940 census as well.

I hope you have had a chance to listen to the new podcast called Uncovering Your Roots offered by the African American Genealogy Group of Indiana. They began their podcasts last month and another one will be posted tomorrow on their site as well.

The African American Genealogy Group of Kentucky is meeting this weekend with a special guest Reinette Jones who is editor of the NKAA database. This stands for the Notable Kentucky African Americans. When the program airs, you can also listen to it live as well as listen to it online later. When you get to the podcast page, scroll down for a link to the podcast.

May 18-19 Arkansas
PAAC (Preservation of African American Cemeteries) is hosting their annual conference May 18-19 in Ft. Smith Arkansas.

May 26 Arkansas
Dedication and Unveiling of the Statue of Bass Reeves. This will be a major event in the state where the only statue honoring an African American will be unveiled, and the only equestrian statue will also be unveiled.

I urge you all to take some time to find an online community reflecting your family history. Sites such as Afrigeneas, as well as the ever growing black genealogy communities on Facebook are opening all kinds of doors and providing many new gathering places to explore family history. I was thrilled to join several communities reflecting my own family history and have found long sought after images of places that I never expected to see.

You are strongly urged to tune into last night’s Blog Talk Radio Show hosted by Bernice Bennett. Her guest last night was Lynn Jackson of the Dred Scott Foundation in St. Louis Missouri. Ms. Jacskon is the gr. gr. granddaughter of Dred and Harriet Scott of the famous Dred Scott Decision. Her interview revealed some new data on the family history of Dred and Harriet Scott. In addition, it was a remarkable lesson for those who have think that the family story is complete. Well after listening to last night’s show it is clear that the story is never “finished”. The archived episode is already online in case you missed the live airing of the show.

Thanks for tuning in to listen. Have a great week, and remember to keep researching, keep documenting, and keep sharing what you find.